Company is actively pursuing investment projects. In the past 3 years JSC "CML Co.have invested a total of more than 20 MUSD, which supported to run two drying the complex in Krasnoyarsk with a total capacity of 1500 m ³, run workshops gluing lumberup to 30000 m ³ of products per year, to purchase timber companies that have lease agreements in Kezhemskogo area with allowable cut 400 thousand m ³ per year to organize the logging activities in the territory Turukhansk district. An important step inthe development of GC "KLM" was the acquisition in 2008. current sawmill LLC KoDOK"in Kodinsk, the increase in lumber and run workshops for manufacturing shavedmoldings on this industrial site.
Currently, work on the project LLC CML-ECO "Development of wood processingcomplex in Krasnoyarsk (Priority Project in the area of forest. Order of Industry and Trade of Russian Federation № 254 dated 13.04.2009), whose goal is the development of logging operations, modernization sawing process, the development of the factoryinfrastructure, increase the capacity of wood processing complex of more than 100thousand m ³ per year, by launching a new plant for production of laminated structuraland wall beam.
Necessary investments: 35 MUSD
Approximate total revenue: about 77 MUSD per year.
Successful implementation of this project will make the GC "KLM" the leader of wood in Russia.
Future plans:
Purpose: The development of logging up to 300 thousand cubic meters per year.
Products: lumber 300 thousand cubic meters per year.
Necessary investments: 5 MUSD
Approximate volume of sales: up to 12 MUSD per year.
Necessary investments: 1 150 MUSD
Approximate volume of sales: up to 12 MUSD per year.
Objective: To create a shop for production of fuel pellets (pellets).
Products: fuel granules (pellets) 30 thousand tons per year.
Necessary investments: 3 MUSD.
Approximate volume of sales: up to 3,8 MUSD per year.